Friday, October 1, 2010

It's been long

Hi Serangoon Bro,
I think this is the 1st post i've put up on your blog. It's been almost 3 years. how time flies.

One training not too long ago, i was spurned on by Bryan who asked me to "do it like how Stephen would do it". Some of the younger teammates were wondering who Stephen was. Your name might not ring a bell to the new guys, but the legacy, the dream lives on. Til today, i talk about how nice Stephen does his chinups. How he lifts the heaviest weights with such poise, only to say "shag" after the set is over.

From the 05 guys, it's left with Bryan, Zhenlong and Jingwei and me trying to chase our dreams for this sport, and this being the final push for some of us. I live my life as a fulltime athlete preparing for Asian Games now and;

I will try my best to "do it like how Stephen would do it".

A fellow Saint,

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