Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hi Stephen, i am sitting in the office today. daydreaming..drifting away in thoughts.. You know something... we humans are a bunch of asses... WHY do we need to have something like this to happen before everyone realized or start pouring out how great he/she is/was.. how much we will remember them for... how long they'll stay in our hearts etc etc etc how some even reassuring the whole damm world how safe or a nicer place they are right now.

CRAP DUDE.. USELESS.. TOO LATE.. Stephen, im sorry if i sounded rude. I'm pretty pissed off in fact for the past few days when D broke the news to me. It was like WHAT THE F**K!!!.. of all people u??? Freaking 1st Commando Battalion Officer.. dragonboater.. and u cant pull urself out of that capsize incident?? i dont know, if the rest can come out of it. why not you?? WHY..WHY WHY WHY..........

As your fellow commando officer.... if u're still around in camp together, you ought to know what you'll get for failure to extract yourself from dangerous situation and f**ked up along the way yeah??... haha i shall not remind you.

Stephen, yesterday i met up with most of my close friends and very unlikely of me... i actually took the chance to express how important each of them is to me..and guess what, they were actually delighted that i cared so much and they pretty much understood where it came from.

I don't really give a damm HOW many hearts u touched.. but u for sure made one here very sour and miserable... nuff said. I'm glad we got acquainted.. shared the same commando/dragonboat experience.

Stephen.. till then..PADDLES UP! AWAS! & FOR HONOR & GLORY....... COMMANDO!!! -G

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